Access to safe and secure housing Data dictionary


Outcome area Safety, rights and justice
Priority Violence against women and their children

Proportion of specialist homelessness services clients with disability experiencing domestic and family violence who are provided assistance for accommodation when needed1.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) clients with disability experiencing family and domestic violence who are in need of assistance for accommodation.


SHS clients with disability experiencing family and domestic violence who are provided assistance for accommodation when needed.


SHS clients with disability experiencing family and domestic violence who are in need of assistance for accommodation.

Computation description

SHS clients with disability experiencing family and domestic violence who are provided assistance for accommodation when needed, divided by SHS clients with disability experiencing family and domestic violence who are in need of assistance for accommodation.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. The Strategy would like to se the following tracked – Proportion of people with disability experiencing domestic and family violence who are assisted into safe and secure housing when requested. Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.
  2. A client is identified as experiencing family and domestic violence if in any support period during the reporting period: 
    • the client was formally referred from a non-SHS family and domestic violence agency to an SHS agency, or
    •  'family and domestic violence' was reported as a reason they sought assistance, or 
    • during any support period they required family or domestic violence assistance.
  3. A client may have multiple support periods over the financial year. The needs assessment is based on any support period throughout the financial year. The assessment as to whether they were provided a needed service is also aggregated over the whole financial year.

  4. A client may report needing assistance with multiple core activities (self-care, mobility, communication) and are counted once for each core activity; therefore, the sum of the disability group counts will not equal the total count of those with a disability.
  5. Assistance for accommodation includes: short term or emergency accommodation, medium term/transitional housing, long-term housing, assistance to sustain tenancy or prevent tenancy failure or eviction, assistance to prevent foreclosures or for mortgage arrears.
  6. Disability status was unknown for 4.5% of SHS clients experiencing domestic and family violence needing assistance with accommodation who were provided assistance for accommodation in 2021–22.
  1. Previous page Seeking support following assault
  2. Next page Experience of domestic violence