This content contains information some readers may find distressing as it refers to information about family, domestic and sexual violence. If the information presented raises any issues for you, or someone you know, contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732. See also Find support for a list of support services.

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Monitoring perpetrator interventions in Australia 

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This report brings together information from a range of sources to show how perpetrator interventions are being monitored in Australia. This report also highlights where key data gaps remain, and the work being done to build the evidence base.

Sexual assault in Australia 

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Sexual assault is a major health and welfare issue in Australia. This Infocus report draws together a range of available data sources to provide a national summary of the extent, nature and impact of sexual assault. Data are presented separately for Australians aged 15 and over, and children aged 0–14.

Updated data are available in Family, domestic and sexual violence: Sexual violence.

Discussion of female genital mutilation/cutting data in Australia 

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This report discusses existing and potential data sources on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Australia, identifying opportunities to enhance and develop systematically collected data collections. Data from one national data source, the National Hospital Morbidity Database, are presented, showing that 477 hospitalisations with an FGM/C diagnosis were recorded from 2015–16 to 2017–18.

Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story 2019 

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Family, domestic and sexual violence is a major health and welfare issue. It affects people of all ages and from all backgrounds, but mainly women and children. This report explores the impact of family, domestic and sexual violence among vulnerable groups.

Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story, 2019: in brief is a companion to this report.

New and updated data are available in the Family, domestic and sexual violence website.

Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story 2019: in brief 

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Family, domestic and sexual violence is a major health and welfare issue. It affects people of all ages and from all backgrounds, but mainly women and children. This report explores the impact of family, domestic and sexual violence among vulnerable groups, including children, older people, people with disability, LGBTIQ+ people, and Indigenous Australians. It also looks at what is being done to fill important data gaps.

This is a companion report to Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story, 2019.

New and updated data are available in the Family, domestic and sexual violence website.

Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia, 2018 

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Family, domestic and sexual violence is a major health and welfare issue. It occurs across all ages, socioeconomic and demographic groups but mainly affects women and children. Indigenous women, young women and pregnant women are particularly at risk. This report explores the extent, impact and cost of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia, and looks at what could be done to fill important data gaps.  

Hospitalised assault injuries among women and girls 

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This fact sheet examines cases of hospitalised assault against women in 2013–14. Rates of assault among women were highest for those aged between 15–19 and 50–54. Over half (59%) of all these women were assaulted by bodily force, and for assaults by bodily force and involving sharp and blunt objects, the majority of injuries were to the head and neck (63%). Where information about the perpetrator was available, a spouse or domestic partner was the most commonly reported perpetrator (in 59% of cases).

Family violence prevention programs in Indigenous communities 

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Family violence is a very serious and widespread issue in Australia. It has become an area of growing public concern, and is a priority area for Australian and state and territory governments. This resource sheet examines the extent of the problem, and explores some programs that have been trialled in Indigenous communities to reduce family violence. It also examines non-Indigenous-specific Australian and international programs. It identifies principles and components that contribute to successful programs, and highlights the need for well-designed program evaluations.

Part of Closing the Gap Clearinghouse.

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