NDIS participants choice and control Data dictionary


Outcome area Personal and community support
Priority People with complex, high needs are supported

Proportion of participants aged 15–64 who responded 'Yes' to 'Has the NDIS helped you have more choice and control over your life?' after two years in the scheme1.

Most recent data

2023–24, March quarter

Baseline data

2021–22, December quarter


NDIS participants aged 15–64 who have been in the scheme for at least two years.


Number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who have been in the scheme for at least two years and responded 'Yes, a lot' or 'Yes, a bit' to the question 'Has the NDIS helped you have more choice and control over your life?'.1


Number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who have been in the scheme for at least two years and have responded 'Yes, a lot', 'Yes, a bit' or 'No' to the question 'Has the NDIS helped you have more choice and control over your life?'.1

Computation description

The number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who say the NDIS helped them have more choices and more control over their life, divided by the number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who have been in the scheme for at least two years and have responded to the question 'Has the NDIS helped you have more choice and control over your life?'.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. The NDIS rolled out a new data system nationally from 30 October 2023. In this new data system, the 'Yes' response option was split into two options: 'Yes, a lot' and 'Yes, a bit'. Both responses are counted as 'Yes' for the purposes of this measure.
  2. Some grouping has been performed to avoid displaying small cell counts.
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