Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA) comparisons

Explore the data in the visualisation below.

Geographic information

This analysis is based on the postcode of the patient’s given mailing address. As a result, the data may not always reflect where the person actually lived – particularly for people who use PO boxes. This is likely to impact some areas more than others and will also have a generally greater impact on the accuracy of smaller geographic areas.

Latest data

In 2021–‍22:

  • Greater Darwin had the highest uptake of health checks, at 31% (5,900 patients).
  • Greater Melbourne had the lowest uptake of health checks, at 7.7% (2,600 patients).

Between 2016–‍17 and 2021–‍22:

  • In about three-quarters of GCCSAs (11 out of 15), the proportion of people receiving a health check was lower in 2021–‍22 compared with 2016–‍17, after an initial rise in uptake.
  • Greater Hobart had the largest percentage-point increase in health check uptake, rising from 9.8% in 2016–‍17 to 16% by 2021–‍22 (1,000 patients to 1,800 in respective years).
  • Rest of NT had the largest percentage-point decrease in health check uptake, falling from 37% in 2017–‍18 to 24% in 2021–‍22 (21,800 patients to 14,000 in respective years).

Figure 5: Use of First Nations health checks, by Greater Capital City Statistical Area (GCCSA), 2016–‍17 to 2021–‍22

A set of interactive graphs over 2 tabs. Refer to table HC05 in data tables. A long description is available below.