
Main report (excludes cancer data commentaries)

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2018. Population projections, Australia, 2017 (base) – 2066. ABS cat. no. 3222.0. Canberra: ABS.

AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2019. BreastScreen Australia monitoring report 2018. Cancer series no.127. Cat no. CAN 128. Canberra: AIHW

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Dickman PW 2004. Estimating and modelling relative survival using SAS. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet. Viewed 26 May 2020.

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Jensen O, Parkin D, MacLennan R, Muir C & Skeet R (eds) 1991. Cancer registration: principles and methods. IARC scientific publications no. 95. Lyon: IARC.

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Skuladottir H & Olsen JH 2003. Conditional survival of patients with the four major histologic subgroups of lung cancer in Denmark. Journal of Clinical Oncology 21(16):3035–40.

Smith D Supramaniam R, Marshall V and Armstrong B 2008. Prostate cancer and prostate specific antigen testing in New South Wales. Medical Journal of Australia 189(6): 315–18.

Vaccarella S, Franceschi S, Bray F, Wild C, Plummer M and Dal Maso L 2016. The increase in thyroid cancer may be due to an increase in medical surveillance and the introduction of new diagnostic techniques, such as neck ultrasonography. The New England Journal of Medicine 375: 614–17.

Victorian Cancer Registry 2023. Cancer in Victoria, 2022. Cancer Council Victoria, accessed 29 July 2024.

Wyld D, Wan M, Moore J, Dunn N and Youl P 2019. Epidemiological trends of neuroendocrine tumours over three decades in Queensland, Australia. Cancer Epidemiology, Volume 63, 101598, ISSN 1877–7821.

Cancer data commentaries

AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2012. Cancer incidence projections: Australia, 2011 to 2020. Cancer series no. 66. Cat. no. CAN 62. Canberra: AIHW.

Bray F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Zanetti R et al. (eds). 2017. Cancer incidence in five continents. Vol. XI (electronic version). Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Viewed June 2018, <>.

Cancer Australia 2020. What are the risk factors for pancreatic cancer?. New South Wales: Cancer Australia. Viewed 27 October 2020.

Colgan TJ, Murphy J, Cole DE, Narod S, Rosen B (2001). Occult carcinoma in prophylactic oophorectomy specimens: prevalence and association with BRCA germline mutation status. Am J Surg Pathol 25:1283-1289.

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Smith D Supramaniam R, Marshall V and Armstrong B (2008). Prostate cancer and prostate specific antigen testing in New South Wales. Medical Journal of Australia 189(6): 315–18.

Zhou C, Check D, Lortet-Tieulent J, Laversanne M, Jemal A, Ferlay J, Bray F, Cook M & Devesa S (2015). Prostate cancer incidence in 43 populations worldwide: An analysis of time trends overall and by age group. International Journal of Cancer. 138(6):1388–1400.