Technical notes

In order to provide a more complete picture of dementia in Australia, data presented in this report are sourced from a range of data collections from several organisations, including:

  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  • Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Dementia Australia
  • Dementia Support Australia.

The latest data have been used wherever possible. Data are subject to change due to: the nature and timing of the data collection; a regular program of updates and maintenance; and newly discovered errors or anomalies. Revisions and changes in coverage should be considered when interpreting changes over time.

A summary of the main data sources used in this report are included in Table 1 below. For more detailed information, see Data sources.

For information on the methodologies used to derive estimates (for example, dementia prevalence or health and aged care expenditure) and other statistics presented in this report, see Methods. It is important to note that differences between data collections and methodological approaches may influence the comparability of estimates across data sources within this report, as well as with other published information not estimated by AIHW. Where relevant these considerations have been noted within the report.

In this report, numbers are generally rounded to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000 in text. Percentages and rates are generally rounded to whole numbers, except for numbers less than 10 which are rounded to 1 decimal place. For unrounded numbers, refer to the Supplementary data tables.

For definitions of technical concepts used throughout this report, see Glossary.

Table 1: Summary of the main data sources used in Dementia in Australia
Data sourceMain source yearFrequency of updatesDescriptionSection/s where data was used
Australian Institute of Health and WelfareAustralian Burden of Disease Study

2023 (national estimates)

2018 (small area and First Nations people estimates)

Ad hocData on the fatal, non-fatal and total burden of disease in Australia.

Burden of disease due to dementia

Burden of disease due to dementia among First Nations people

Disease Expenditure Database2020–21Ad hocData on government expenditure on disease estimated using multiple data sources.Health and aged care expenditure on dementia

National Aged Care Data ClearinghouseVariousVariousA central repository of national aged care data from various sources, mostly related to government-subsidised aged care programs operating under the Aged Care Act 1997. In this report data on the National Screening and Assessment Form and the Aged Care Funding Instrument are presented.

Aged care and support services used by people with dementia

Behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia

Dementia among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

Aged care and support services available to people with younger onset dementia

National Hospital Morbidity Database2021–22AnnualEpisode-level records from admitted patient morbidity data collection systems in Australian hospitals (public and private). The data set for the reference period 2021–22 includes records for admitted patient separations between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022.

Hospital care

Hospitalisations due to dementia

Hospitalisations with dementia

Hospital care for First Nations people with dementia

National Health Data Hub (NHDH) (previously referred to as the National Integrated Health Services Information (NIHSI) analytical asset)2020–21Version 3.0

NIHSI version 3.0 contains linked data from 2010–11 to 2020–21 on:

  • admitted patient care services (in all public and, where available, private hospitals), emergency department services and outpatient services in public hospitals for New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme national data
  • Medicare Benefits Schedule national data
  • Residential aged care data from National Aged Care Clearinghouse (person level assessments, episodes in care, and leave from care and information on facilities) national data
  • National Mortality Database data.

Primary health care services

Health services used by people with younger onset dementia

National Mortality Database2021AnnualData on records for deaths in Australia from 1964.

Deaths due to dementia

Population health impacts of dementia among First Nations people

Population health impacts of younger onset dementia

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme/ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme2021–22DailyData on medications prescribed and prescriptions dispensed under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.Prescriptions for dementia-specific medications

Health services used by people with younger onset dementia
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Estimated Resident PopulationVariousYearlyABS estimates of the usual resident population of Australia.Prevalence of dementia

Multi-Agency Data Integration Partnership data assetVariousAd hocLinked national survey and administrative data from a range of Commonwealth agencies, including healthcare, Census, social security payments, personal income tax, and mortality to create a comprehensive picture of Australia over time.Cultural and linguistic diversity among Australians who died with dementia

Survey of Disability Ageing and Carers2018Every 3–4 yearsDetailed information on a sample of people who either; have a disability that restricts every-day activities, are aged 65 or over or are people who care for individuals with a disability, long-term health condition(s) (including dementia) or older people.

Carers and care needs of people with dementia

Aged care assessments

Dementia among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

Dementia Australia
National Dementia Helpline administrative data2022–23Ad hocData on contacts to the National Dementia Helpline. Further information on these data is not available.National Dementia Support Program and Dementia Friendly Communities
Dementia Support Australia
Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service and Severe Behaviour Response Teams administrative data2023Ad hocData on cases supported by the Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service and Severe Behaviour Response Teams.

Behaviour Support Programs

Behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia