

This report was prepared by the Dementia Data Analysis and Reporting Unit, with valued input from colleagues in the Dementia Data Improvement Unit at the AIHW and the Department of Health and Aged Care.

We gratefully acknowledge Professor Annette Dobson, Dr Kaele Stokes, Professor Kaarin Anstey, Professor Lee-Fay Low, Professor Velandai Srikanth, Dr Anthony Hobbs, Professor Henry Brodaty and Karen Glennen who provided expert review.

The Department of Health and Aged Care funded this project.


June 2024

The hover text in Figure 2.1: Prevalence of dementia in 2023: estimated number and rate, by age and sex, has been amended. Hover text over rates of dementia now clarify the values are a number per 1,000 population.

November 2023 

  • The data for hospitalisations with dementia including supplementary codes was amended from 251,000 to 197,000 people with a gender split of 95,000 men and 102,000 women.
  • The data for hospitalisations with dementia including supplementary codes in First Nations people was amended from 4,200 to 3,100.

October 2023 

Table 15.9 'resistive behaviours' rows had 'no symptoms' and 'not stated' transposed incorrectly.

November 2022 

  • Table S2.3 heading was updated to reflect the correct data year. 
  • A small typographical error in the 'Burden of disease' section was amended.