

Figure 1: Diabetes hospitalisations by diagnosis type and month, COVID-19 period compared to baseline average on Impact of COVID-19 was updated with a correction to the displayed filter names. The percentage changes in the  corresponding text have also been updated.

Latest data update

17 June 2024

Update to Diabetes Summmary page including:

  • New 2021–22 hospitalisations data
  • New 2022 deaths data 
  • New 2022–23 emergency department data
  • Data table: Diabetes: Australian facts added to Data.

14 December 2023

  • New 2020–21 Expenditure data
  • New 2023 Australian Burden of Disease Study data
  • Data table: Diabetes: Australian facts added to data.

30 June 2023

  • New 2021 diabetes incidence, prevalence and deaths data. Updates to Burden of Disease, Disease expenditure and information relating to COVID–19.
  • Data table: Diabetes Australian Facts added to data.

9 February 2023

  • New 2020–21 hospitalisations data and updates to information relating to COVID-19.
  • Data table: Diabetes Australian Facts added to data.


The Diabetes: Australian facts report was produced by staff from the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Kidney Unit at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

Louise Gates, Miriam Lum On, Fadwa Al Yaman, Jen Mayhew Larsen, Melanie Dunford, Geoff Callaghan and Tracy Dixon from the AIHW provided guidance and advice.

Valuable input was received from AIHW’s Diabetes Expert Advisory Group, whose members at the time of producing this report were: Jonathan Shaw (Chair), Justine Cain, Maria Craig, Wendy Davis, Mark Harris, Greg Johnson, Glynis Ross, Renza Scibilia and Sophia Zoungas.

The authors thank the individuals who shared their experiences for the Australian stories about living with diabetes.

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care funded this report and the valuable comments received by individuals from the Department are also acknowledged.