Mental health

Data sources

A range of data sources are used to describe mental health services, including, but not limited to:

 National Minimum Data Sets (NMDS)
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Admitted patient care NMDS

Admitted patients

Community mental health care NMDS

Community mental health care services

Seclusion and restraint

Involuntary treatment in mental health care

Disability Services NMDS (to 2018–19)

Psychosocial disability support

Mental health establishments NMDS

Expenditure on mental health-related services

Mental health workforce

Specialised mental health care facilities

Non-admitted patient emergency department case NMDS

Emergency departments

Residential mental health care NMDS

Residential mental health care services

Seclusion and restraint

Involuntary treatment in mental health care

National Best Endeavours Data Set (NBEDS) 
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Seclusion and Restraint NBEDS

Seclusion and restraint

Involuntary treatment in mental health care

Your Experience of Service (YES) NBEDS

Consumer perspectives

Involuntary treatment in mental health care

Additional data sources held by the AIHW 
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Specialist Homelessness Services Collection

Specialist homelessness services

A range of data sources not held by the AIHW 
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Medicare Benefits Schedule data

Medicare-subsidised mental health-related services

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Psychosocial disability support

National Health Workforce Dataset

Accredited Mental Health Social Worker data

Mental health workforce

National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)

Consumer outcomes

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data

Mental health-related prescriptions

Private Health Establishments Collection

Expenditure on mental health-related services

Specialised mental health care facilities

Private Psychiatric Hospitals Data Reporting and Analysis Service (PPHADRAS)

Admitted patients

Expenditure on mental health-related services

Specialised mental health care facilities

2021 Census

Survey of people living with psychotic  illness

Survey of Children and Adolescents

Survey of Adult Population

National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB)

Prevalence and impact of mental illness

More information about these data sources can be found under the AIHW  data collections page.