
Mental illness

Understanding the prevalence and impacts of mental illness and poor mental health is necessary for promoting positive mental health outcomes among individuals and communities throughout Australia. Data and information on the prevalence and impacts of mental illness in Australia are available.

Over 2 in 5 (43% or 8.5 million) Australians aged 16–85 are estimated to have experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life.

Prevalence and impact of mental illness >

People living with mental illness are more likely to develop comorbid physical illness and have a lower life expectancy than the general population.

Physical health of people with mental illness >

In 2022, an estimated 1 in 9 Australians experience Post-traumatic stress disorder in their life.

Stress and trauma >

In 2022, about 1 in 7 Australians were experiencing social isolation and 1 in 6 experiencing loneliness.

Social isolation and loneliness >


People with mental illness can access a variety of support services, which are delivered by governments, and by the private and not-for-profit sectors.

There were 52,130 same day and 205,220 overnight public hospital mental health-related hospitalisations in 2021–22.

Admitted patients

Around 9.6 million community mental health care contacts were provided in 2021–22.

 Community services

In 2022–23, 3% of presentations to public Emergency departments were mental health-related.

Emergency departments

2.7 million Australians (10% of the population) received Medicare-subsidised mental health-specific services in 2022–23

Medicare-subsidised services

18% of Australians (4.8 million people) were dispensed mental health-related medications in 2022–23

Mental health prescriptions

In the year ending 30 June 2023 there were 62,011 NDIS participants who had a psychosocial as the primary disability.

Psychosocial disability support services

Around 9,000 episodes of residential mental health care were recorded for an estimated 7,100 residents in 2021-22.

Residential services

Funding and resources

A well-resourced mental health care system is integral to positive mental health outcomes in Australian communities. Data are available to understand how mental health care services in Australia are funded and resourced.

Hospital bed depicting mental health facilities6,850 specialised mental health public hospital beds were available across 158 public hospitals in 2021–22.


Spending on mental health-related services increased from $10.9 billion (2017–18) to $12.2 billion in 2021–22.


There were about 25,000 mental health nurses working in Australia in 2022.


Safety and quality

Safety and quality are important in all areas of the health system. A safe and high-quality health system provides the most appropriate and best-value care, while keeping patients safe from preventable harm. Data are available that can be used to measure aspects of safety and quality in the Australian mental health care system.

Across NSW, Qld and Vic about 24,567 consumer-rated surveys were collected in 2021–22. 

Consumer perspectives

Information was collected for 42% of consumers receiving mental health care in 2021–22.

Consumer outcomes

Line graph showing the number of restrictive practices decreasingRates of seclusion have fallen over the past decade.

Seclusion and restraint

In 2021–22, 45% of hospitalisations in mental health care were involuntary in acute (short-term care) units.

Involuntary treatment