The specialist homelessness services 2016–17 web report is the sixth annual report from the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection (SHSC). It describes the characteristics of clients of specialist homelessness services, the services requested, outcomes achieved, and unmet requests for services during 2016–17.
This report was first published on 14 December 2017. Additional material was added on 12 February 2018:
- Cat. no: WEB 217
288,000 people were assisted by specialist homelessness agencies in 2016–17
2 in 5 clients had experienced domestic and family violence
1 in 2 people seeking homelessness services in 2016–17 had received services previously, in the past 5 years
Most people seeking assistance were at risk of homelessness (56%), and most were living in private dwellings at the time
- Policy framework for reducing homelessness and service response
- Clients, services and outcomes
- Clients in regional and remote areas
- Unmet demand for specialist homelessness services
- Client groups of interest
- Indigenous clients
- Clients who have experienced domestic and family violence
- Clients with disability
- Young people presenting alone
- Older clients
- Clients with a current mental health issue
- Clients leaving care
- Clients exiting custodial arrangements
- Children on care and protection orders
- Clients with problematic drug and/or alcohol use
- Appendixes