The National Prisoner Health Information Committee (NPHIC) is the principle advisory body for the national prisoner health indicators and the national prisoner health data set.
Terms of reference
The National Prisoner Health Information Committee (NPHIC) is a national committee aiming to help improve the health and wellbeing of prisoners throughout Australia by informing discussion, policy development and decision-making. It aims to do this by advising and assisting in the development, provision and interpretation of statistics and information on prisoner health. The NPHIC arose out of the time-limited National Prisoner Information Group (PHIG) which was formed to establish and develop a data collection.
The membership of the NPHIC comprises a representative from those government agencies responsible for the administration of prison health services within each of the 8 Australian States and Territories. These representatives are the voting members of the NPHIC. Where multiple agencies within a jurisdiction have a shared responsibility for such services, a representative from each agency may be nominated as a member of the NPHIC; however, each jurisdiction is responsible for appointing a single voting member when a vote is required.
The Chair of the NPHIC is also a voting member, and will hold this position for a 2-year period.
Functions of the National Prisoner Health Information Committee
- advise on national statistical and information needs in relation to prisoner health; and
- assist in developing and providing the relevant statistics and information.
Specific tasks of the National Prisoner Health Information Committee
- maintenance and ongoing development of national prisoner health indicators and the national prisoner health data set;
- production of national reports and other national publications on prisoner health;
- as appropriate, provision of reports to a range of other groups, such as the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Standing Committee (NATSIHSC), Corrective Services Administrators Conference (CSAC), and the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision (SCPGSP).
Specialist and diverse knowledge is required for the NPHIC. NPHIC members bring with them a wide range of experience in issues related to prisoner health and the administration of associated services.
Membership of the NPHIC consists of:
- The Chair, a jurisdictional representative appointed by voting members of the NPHIC.
- State and Territory representatives from the departments responsible for the administration of prison health services:
- Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network, New South Wales
- Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria
- Queensland Health, Queensland
- Corrective Services, Western Australia
- South Australia Health, South Australia
- Tasmania Health, Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory Health, Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory Health, Northern Territory
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
- A minimum of two subject matter experts with expertise in prisoner health, Indigenous health or mental health.
Secretariat support is provided by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Justice and Education Unit, Canberra.
Postal address | NPHIC Secretariat PO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601 |
Telephone | (02) 6244 1000 |
Facsimile | (02) 6244 1299 |
Email address |