CEO's statement
This Customer Care Charter is our service commitment to you. It tells you what we do, what you can expect from us, how we will respond to your requests, our commitment to privacy, and how you can give us feedback.
If you have any comments about this Charter please email us at [email protected].
Rob Heferen CEO, AIHW
About AIHW
The AIHW is an independent federal government agency with more than 30 years of experience working with health and welfare data.
We produce authoritative and accessible information and statistics to inform and support better policy and service delivery decisions, leading to better health and wellbeing for all Australians.
We publicly release over 200+ reports and data analyses annually covering over 75 health and welfare topics. These are widely used by government, researchers, policymakers and the community.
The AIHW is recognised both nationally and internationally for our statistical expertise and proven track record in providing high quality, independent evidence.
The AIHW manages data with respect for its sensitivity, and with privacy and confidentiality assured through legislation, accountability practices and procedures. In line with strict privacy and security controls, data and records are combined with others (aggregated) in reports to protect privacy.
Stronger evidence, better decisions, improved health and welfare.
- Strategic directions
- Leaders in health and welfare data
- Drivers of data improvements
- Expert sources of value-added analysis
- Champions for open and accessible data and information
- Trusted strategic partners
In pursuing our vision, we draw on our independence and our expertise in health and welfare to strive for excellence in all we do. We also uphold the Australian Public Service values:
- Impartial
- Committed to service
- Accountable
- Respectful
- Ethical
Your privacy
As an information agency, the AIHW must ensure it has strong practices and processes in place to manage data, in order to keep the trust of data providers, data users and the public.
We manage data with respect for its sensitivity, and with privacy and confidentiality assured through legislation, accountability practices and procedures. You can find more information about our Privacy guidelines on our website at the Privacy page.
The AIHW Ethics Committee exists to ensure data about people is handled with respect and in line with best practice. the committee has 11 members representing a broad cross section of the community, including professionals experienced in providing care, researchers, and people representing the general community.
It operates in line with best practice guidelines for Human Research Ethics Committees authored by an external agency known as the National Health and Medical Research Council.
More information about the committee is available at the AIHW Ethics Committee page.
When you contact the AIHW, we will:
- treat you in a professional manner, with respect and courtesy
- ensure that, as a general principle, we publish information within 6 months of the receipt of suitable ‘clean’ data
- ensure that, as a general principle, requests for use of or access to data holdings by bona fide researchers will be granted, provided that there are no legal impediments and that relevant clearances are obtained, including from data providers and the AIHW Ethics Committee where required. Fees may apply for custom data requests (see next section).
In responding to your requests, we will:
For general information requests:
- respond to your request within two working days (if we can’t answer your request we will indicate how long it will take)
- endeavour to provide you with some suggested options if we do not have the information you require.
For use of or access to data holdings:
- acknowledge your data request within two working days, provide you with contact details for the person handling your request, and where possible, advise when you can expect our detailed response
- advise you of any charges which may be applicable
- obtain relevant approvals, and/or provide advice regarding requirements for Ethics Committee applications.
How we support your access to our information
- Ensure that publications are available on the AIHW website, free of charge and meeting government-mandated accessibility requirements.
- Provide telephone assistance to vision-impaired people in describing and interpreting complex tables, charts and graphs when needed.
- Provide individual assistance to customers who have difficulty accessing information (for more information, see the Help with downloads page).
- Ensure that all facilities and conferences managed by the AIHW comply with accessibility standards for people with a disability, including wheelchair access, toilets and disabled parking.
- Offer various email notification services through our website for anyone wishing to receive automated notice of the release of new publications, education resources and news.
- Make it easy for you to contact us in writing, over the phone, email and in person.
Tell us what you think of our products and service
We value your opinion and want to hear about the things you like about the AIHW and its products, and if you have any suggestions about how and where we could improve our service to you.
You don’t have to tell us your name if you don’t want to – your privacy will always be respected.
If you don’t mind giving us your name and contact details, then we can keep you informed about what we’ve done in response to your suggestions or comments.
How to contact us
Email: to enquire or comment on AIHW products and services email [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 6244 1000 International callers, please use +61 2 6244 1000
Facsimile: (02) 6244 1299
Strategic Communications Manager
Communications & Engagement Unit
AIHW GPO Box 570, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
Visit in person: 1 Thynne Street, Fern Hill Park, Bruce ACT 2617 Australia
Public Service Act 1999
The AIHW is bound by the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct and The Multicultural Access and Equity Policy.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman
If you think we haven't provided you with an adequate service or if you think your complaint was not handled satisfactorily you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 1300 362 072.