Data timeliness
National Perinatal Data Collection
The NPDC has almost 120 data items and contains around 300,000 records per year for both mothers and babies. Data for all states and territories are checked for completeness, validity and logical errors before the NPDC is deemed final for a calendar year.
Some states and territories need 12 months or more to undertake data entry, validation and linking with hospitals data as required after the end of the data collection period. The process to finalise data for the national collection can then require multiple rounds of data validation by the AIHW and resupply of data from states and territories.
NPDC data for 2021 was requested from states and territories on 22 July 2022 for submission to the AIHW in a staged supply between 15 August 2022 and 19 December 2022. Data for 2021 were final for all states and territories by 17 April 2023 and were published on 29 June 2023.
Timelines for reporting 2021 NPDC data are outlined in Figure 1. Preliminary 2021 NPDC data (for 6 of 8 states and territories) was reported within 12 months of the end of the collection period and final data was reported within 18 months of the end of the collection period.
Figure 1: Months since the end of the 2021 calendar period and public reporting of data from the National Perinatal Data Collection, by state and territory
National Maternal Mortality Data Collection
NMMDC data are collected annually. Most states and territories need at least 12–18 months lead time to undertake post-mortem investigations, classification, data entry and validation as required after the end of a data collection period. Deaths subject to coronial inquiry may take longer to finalise.
Timelines for the reporting of 2021 maternal deaths data are outlined in Figure 2. These data were finalised and reported 23 months after the end of the collection period.
Figure 2: Months since the end of the 2021 calendar period and public reporting of data from the National Maternal Mortality Data Collection, by state and territory
National Perinatal Mortality Data Collection
Data for the NPMDC are collected annually. The data cannot be finalised for a calendar year until all jurisdictional mortality review committee reports that apply to that period are complete. Jurisdictions coordinate and facilitate data collection procedures from service providers and the updating of records.
NPMDC data for 2021 was requested from states and territories on 7 June 2023 for submission to the AIHW by 28 July 2023. Data from 5 jurisdictions were received by this date. Data suppliers in some jurisdictions have given feedback that a request for data 17 months after the end of the collection period is unachievable as some data (particularly pertaining to PSANZ classification codes and contributory factors) are still waiting to be compiled at this stage.
Timelines for reporting 2021 data on perinatal deaths are outlined in Figure 3. The NPMDC data for 2021 was finalised and reported 22 months after the end of the collection period.