Future measures

The employment and financial security measures listed in Table 2.2 will undergo future data development and will be included in future reports as data become available, see Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | About future data development.

Table 2.2: Employment and financial security measures requiring further development
Policy priorityMeasure

Economic participation

Proportion of NDIS participants with an employment goal in receipt of employment income in the last 12 months(a) (system measure)

Transition to employment

Proportion of school leavers with disability who are not in employment, education or training 12 months later(b) (population measure)

  1. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of NDIS participants who get the support they need to do their job’.
  2. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of young people (aged 15–24) with disability in the labour force who are employed’.
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