Transport system accessibility

Being able to use public, private and community transport to move around the community underpins all aspects of life. Accessibility of transport systems includes the transport itself, its entry points, getting to and from the transport, and information to support the journey (for example, hearing loops and alerting devices). People with disability should also have equal access to emerging technology and transport options (for example, rideshare) (Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031).

Public transport usability

Mobility limitations and difficulties using public or private transport can make it difficult for people with disability to get to the places they need to go. Accessible transport options, mobility aids and assistance are important to ensure that people with disability can participate in society equally and independently (AIHW 2022).

Barriers to accessing public transport include inaccessible travel information, lack of hearing assistance, inadequate disability car parking, inaccessible stops and stations, as well as discriminatory or abusive behaviour by staff or members of the public (DRC 2018).

The desired population outcome for this measure is that more people with disability can access transport in their community. 

Population measure: Proportion of people with disability who can use all forms of public transport with no difficulty

Desired outcome: Increase in the proportion

Data source: ABS SDAC 

This measure will be replaced in the future when available data are improved. During the life of the Strategy, this measure will be replaced by ‘Proportion of people with disability who can access public or private transport when needed’.

For the latest data and breakdowns of the data, see Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Public transport usability.

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