Key term | Definition |
Baseline | A starting point that helps us find out if things are getting better over time. The baseline for the strategy is the data – or information – that were available when the Strategy began in December 2021. |
Digital inclusion | Whether a person or group can access and confidently use online technology to improve their lives. See Be Connected | What is Digital Inclusion? |
Conciliation | An informal way to resolve complaints. This could be by exchanging letters or emails, through telephone calls, or meeting in person. See Australian Human Rights Commission | Conciliation – how it works. |
Confidence | The change is real and not a product of chance or some underlying uncertainty in the data. See also 'Importance'. See Appendix A: Methods | Measuring progress. |
Disability | This can include an impairment of body structure or function (such as deformity of joints or reduced range of motion), a limitation in activities (such as mobility and communication), or a restriction in participation (such as work and social interactions). |
First Nations people | 'First Nations people' is the preferred term used by the AIHW when referring to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population groups. |
Importance | Whether the size of the change in a measure is important. See also 'Confidence'. See Appendix A: Methods | Measuring progress. |
jobactive | This was the Australian Government employment service which ran from July 2015 to June 2022. See |
‘No change’ measure status | Measure with 2 or more data points, where the latest data similar to the baseline. See Appendix A: Methods | Methodology for reporting on the progress of measures over time. |
‘Not enough data’ measure status | Measure with a single data point (usually the baseline). See Appendix A: Methods | Methodology for reporting on the progress of measures over time. |
‘Progress’ measure status | Measure with 2 or more data points where the latest change since the baseline is in the direction that the Strategy wants. See Appendix A: Methods | Methodology for reporting on the progress of measures over time. |
‘Regress’ measure status | Measure with 2 or more data points where the latest change since the baseline is not in the direction that the Strategy wants. See Appendix A: Methods | Methodology for reporting on the progress of measures over time. |