Trauma-informed policy, processes and programs

Traumatic life experiences require responses that are sensitive to the lived experience of the individual. Trauma-informed approaches respect and recognise that people with disability are experts in their own lives. Implementing trauma-informed approaches in policies, processes and programs provides better responses to people with disability who have experienced trauma (Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031).

Seeking support following assault

While formal and informal supports are available, people with disability who experience violence often have limited or no access to information about where and how to seek these supports (DRC 2020).

Another barrier to accessing support is that many people with disability who are experiencing violence do not report abuse or identify that they need protection due to fear of negative repercussions (AHRC 2013). Other reasons for not seeking support include fear of not being believed, fear/uncertainty of the criminal justice system and a lack of access to support networks (ABS 2013).

The desired population outcome for this measure is to see an increase in people with disability accessing trauma-informed services.

Population measure: Proportion of people with disability who experienced assault and sought advice or support after the most recent incident

Desired outcome: Increase in the proportion

Data source: ABS PSS 

For more information on this measure, including breakdowns of the data, see Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Seeking support following assault.

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