Future measures

The health and wellbeing measures listed in Table 7.2 will undergo future data development and will be included in future reports as data become available see Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | About future data development.

Table 7.2: Health and wellbeing measures requiring further development

Policy priority


Health and wellbeing

Number of potentially avoidable deaths in hospital for people with disability compared with people without disability(a) (system measure)

Health and wellbeing

Proportion of people with disability who are satisfied with the quality of care provided by the allied and community health sector (system measure)

Prevention and early intervention

Proportion of people with disability who accessed prevention and early intervention services in the last 12 months without difficulty, compared with people without disability(b) (population measure)

Mental health

Rates of restraint of people with disability in acute mental health hospital services (system measure)

Mental health

Number of involuntary hospital admissions (system measure)

Emergency response

Proportion and number of disaster management services that have disability-inclusive plans in place (system measure)

Emergency response

Proportion of people with disability reporting satisfaction in the accessibility of emergency, disaster preparedness and response information and services (population measure)

  1. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability who reported unmet need for hospital admission in the last 
     12 months’.
  2. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability with difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist, hospital)’.
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