Summary of main data sources used in this report

Data sources

The data presented in this report are sourced from a range of different data collections from several agencies and organisations, including the:

  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - see Table B
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) - see Table A
  • Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) - see Table E
  • Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) - Table D
  • National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) - see Table F.

Each of the data sources provide a part of the story of alcohol, tobacco and drug use. Data sources include a range of methodologies such as:

  • General population surveys (for example the National Drug Strategy Household Survey)
  • Surveys of sentinel populations (for example the Illicit Drug Reporting System, the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia program and the National Needle Syringe Program)
  • Population consumption data (for example the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program and Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia)
  • Administrative data (for example Criminal Courts data).

Consolidating these data sources across multiple collections into one place provides a more complete story of current and emerging trends. However, it is also important to note methodological differences that can influence the comparability of results across collections (for example, see Technical notes: Comparison of national data sources on smoking and alcohol consumption).

The data contained in this report will be updated when more recent data become available. Further information about the data sources used in this report are available in the following tables (Tables A to J):

Table A: Australian Bureau of Statistics data sources
Data sourceFrequency of publicationInformation

Apparent consumption of alcohol


Estimates of apparent consumption of alcohol based on the availability of alcoholic beverages in Australia.

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey

Every 6 years

Includes a range of health data including behavioural health risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and illicit drug use for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It combines the ABS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) with a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS) and a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Measures Survey (NATSIHMS).

Causes of Death, Australia


Provides details on causes of death in Australia and demographics for all deaths registered in Australia annually.

Crime Victimisation Australia


People's experiences of a selected range of personal and household crimes

Criminal Courts Australia


Defendants finalised by principal offences (broadly illicit drugs)

National Health Survey

Every 3 years

Smoking rates, alcohol consumption and substance use, and links to other health issues

National Health Survey – first results

Every 3 years

Smoking rates and alcohol consumption

Personal Safety Survey

Every 4 years

The survey collected information about the nature and extent of violence experienced by men and women since the age of 15, including their experience of violence in the 12 months prior to the survey.

Prisoners in Australia


National statistics on all people remanded or sentenced to adult custodial corrective services

Recorded Crime - Offenders


People proceeded against by police by principal offence (broadly illicit drugs)

Table B: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data sources
Data source

Frequency of publication


Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set


Data on alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia

Alcohol-related injury: hospitalisations and deathsAd hocData on alcohol-related and alcohol-induced hospitalisations and deaths to injuries

Australia’s mothers and babies


The report includes data on the proportion of mothers’ smoking during pregnancy and babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy

Australian Burden of Disease Study: impact and causes of illness and death in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 2018

Ad hoc

Data on the fatal and non-fatal burden of alcohol and illicit drug disorders on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Burden of disease: Impact and causes of illness and death in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Ad hoc

Data on the fatal and non-fatal burden of alcohol and illicit drug disorders on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Burden of disease: Impact and causes of illness and death in Australia

Every 3 years

Data on the fatal and non-fatal burden of alcohol and illicit drug disorders on population groups

National Drug Strategy Household Survey

Every 3 years

Data on Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in Australia

National Hospital Morbidity Database


Episode-level records from admitted patient morbidity data collection systems in Australian hospitals. The data set for the reference period 2021–22 includes records for admitted patient hospitalisations between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022.

National Mortality database


Data on records for deaths in Australia from 1964

National Opioid Pharmacotherapy Statistical Annual Data Collection (NOPSAD)


The NOPSAD collection provides information on a snapshot day for clients receiving opioid pharmacotherapy treatment, the doctors prescribing opioid pharmacotherapy drugs, and the dosing points.

Specialist Homelessness Services annual report


Clients by need for services (alcohol and drug counselling)

The Health of People in Australia's Prisons

Every 3 years

Data on tobacco use, illicit drug use and alcohol consumption prior and during prison sentence

Youth justice in Australia


Information about young people under youth justice supervision in Australia

Table C: Cancer Council Victoria data sources
Data source

Frequency of publication


Australian Secondary School Students’ use of tobacco, alcohol, and over-the-counter and illicit substances

Every 3 years

Lifetime and current use of tobacco, alcohol, analgesics, tranquilisers and illicit substances and related behaviours, 12–17 year olds.

Chapter 2. Trends in tobacco consumption in Tobacco in Australia: Facts and issues

As material becomes available

In particular, subsections:

  • Scollo & Bayly 2.2 Dutiable tobacco products as an estimate of tobacco consumption
  • Bayly and Scollo, 2.4 Expenditure on tobacco products
  • Bayly and Scollo, 2.5 Industry sales figures as estimates for consumption.

Chapter 10. The tobacco industry in Australian society: Facts and issues

As material becomes available

Scollo & Bayly. 10.6.1 Value and volume of the Australian tobacco market

Table D: Australian Institute of Criminology data sources
Data source

Frequency of publication


Counting the costs of crime in Australia

Ad hoc

Data on the human economic cost of drug abuse in Australia.

Drug use monitoring in Australia: Drug use among police detainees


Data on changes in alcohol and other drug consumption habits among Australian police detainees and through its monitoring and reporting of fluctuations in the illicit drug market

Homicide in Australia


Data from the National Homicide Monitoring Program on homicide incidents, victims and offenders in Australia.

Table E: Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission data sources
Data source

Frequency of publication


Illicit Drug Data Report


National data on the illicit drug market, including arrests, detections, seizures, purity, profiling and price data.

National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program (NWDMP) Report

3 times a year

The NWDMP measures the presence of 12 drugs (both licit and illicit) in samples obtained from wastewater treatment plants in capital city and regional sites across Australia.

Table F: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre data sources
Data source

Frequency of publication


Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS)


A national illicit drug monitoring system with interviews with a sample of people who regularly inject drugs, interviews with experts and additional contextual information. The IDRS monitors the price, purity and availability of heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabis and other drugs. Along with trends in the use and harms of these drugs.

The Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS)


The Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) is a national monitoring system for ecstasy and related drugs that is intended to identify emerging trends of local and national interest in the markets for these drugs.

Trends in drug-induced deaths in Australia


A suite of products summarising trends in drug-induced deaths in Australia.

Trends in drug-related hospitalisations in Australia


A suite of products summarising trends in drug-related hospitalisations in Australia.

Table G: National Drug Research Institute data source
Data source

Frequency of publication


Young Australians Alcohol Reporting System (YAARS)

Ad hoc

Non–random national sample 3,400 risky drinkers. The participants were recruited online and screened to check whether their qualified to be in the top 25% of risky drinkers. The survey looks into the risky drinking patterns of adolescents aged 14–19, by taking a ‘snapshot’ of the details of their most recent risky drinking occasion.

Table H: The Kirby Institute data source
Data source

Frequency of publication


Australian Needle Syringe Program Survey National Data Report


The Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey (ANSPS) provides serial point prevalence estimates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies and sexual and injecting risk behaviour among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Australia.

Table I: Bureau of Infrastructure and Regional Development data source
Data source

Frequency of publication


Road trauma Australia


Provides annual data on road fatalities and includes data on road trauma incidents involving alcohol

Table J: International data sources
Data source

Frequency of publication


OECD – Health Statistics


Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development includes prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption by country, mortality and morbidity statistics and pharmaceuticals.

UNODC – World Drug Report


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime data from a range of counties – includes supply, prevalence, price, and treatment data.