Data gaps
While much is known about the health and welfare of children in Australia, there are still notable gaps and limitations which limit national population-level monitoring over time. Some gaps relate to specific topics, while others are overarching and impact the quality of reporting against all, or most, of the 7 domains of children’s wellbeing (see Introduction.)
This section discusses some key nationally relevant data gaps identified in Australia’s children, and potential opportunities for development. The information is intended to form the basis for future discussions on national data and information development priorities. It is not exhaustive.
National relevancy has been established based on whether the topics have been identified as national policy priorities, such as those outlined in Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health and the National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People: 2020–2030, and/or raised by a national expert group as topics for which data gaps exist.