Metadata describes and gives information about data, it provides meaning and context by describing how data is defined, structured and represented. It can also be used to explain how data are captured and support the accurate interpretation of data. Important to consistent robust metadata, is a central national registry.

METEOR provides online access to a wide range of nationally endorsed data standards, which users can find, view and download. METEOR is based on the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission 11179 Metadata Registries (ISO/IEC 11179). This standard specifies the descriptions, representations and registration of data. This helps standardise, harmonise and manage metadata (independent of originating organisations).

METEOR provides a best practice framework supporting national data and information standards for the health (including aged care), community services, and housing sectors. National consistency in data collection and reporting improves data integration across collections and sectors in Australia, enhancing the scope and quality of information on Australians health and welfare. METEOR plays a vital role in ensuring quality metadata exists across the health, housing and community services sectors and supports Australia’s progress toward better alignment with international standards.

METEOR training

The AIHW offers training in metadata concepts and development. Various forms of METEOR training can be tailored to meet organisational needs (for example, general user training, data developer and registrar). Existing users have ongoing access to METEOR’s on-line tutorials for additional support.

The help page in METEOR has additional information on navigating METEOR, understanding metadata development, and requests for training. General information, such as meanings of terms used in METEOR (for example, registration authorities) rather than actual metadata items, is accessible through the search help box in the left hand navigation pane of METEOR. Contextual help icons () provide more details for associated fields.

Contact details

AIHW Metadata, Information Management & Classifications Unit

Email [email protected]

Phone +61 2 6244 1222

METEOR website