The Adult Vaccination Survey gathered information about vaccination of adults for the following conditions: influenza, pneumonia, tetanus, shingles. In 2009 the survey also gathered information about vaccination for pertussis ('whooping cough') and the pandemic (H1N1) virus, also known as ‘swine flu’. This survey was run seven times between 2000 and 2010. The AIHW holds the data for 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2009/10.

Collection details
Variables to support reporting and linkage
  • Age group
  • Sex/gender
  • Indigenous status

Temporal coverage 

from 1/1/2002 to 31/12/2010

Geographical coverage


Data availability

  • Publications

There are restrictions and limitations governing the availability or use of other data in this holding.

Data scope 

The survey scope is a nationally representative sample of adults. Age ranges vary by survey.



External links and information 

2010 Pandemic Vaccination Survey

2009 Adult Vaccination Survey

2006 Adult Vaccination Survey

2004 Adult Vaccination Survey

2002 Adult Vaccination Survey


[email protected]