This is the eighth in a series of surveys auspices by the National Drug Strategy (and its predecessors) and the third to be conducted by the AIHW. It is a national household survey of non-institutionalised persons aged 12 years and over. There were 29,445 completed responses in 2004. Fieldwork was conducted by Roy Morgan Research.

Collection details
Variables to support reporting and linkage
  • Age group
  • Sex/gender
  • Indigenous status
  • SLA
  • RA

Temporal coverage 

from 1/7/2004 to 8/11/2004

Geographical coverage

National and State

Data availability

  • Publications
  • Summary tables published in electronic form
  • Statistics

Client specified tables on request which may be subject to data provider approval (charges apply).

Restricted unit record access subject to Ethics Committee approval and/or the agreement of all relevant data custodians in all states and territories (charges may apply).

Data scope 

Non-institutionalised persons aged 14 years and over from all states and territories. Foreign language interviews were not conducted.


Metadata information 

National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2004 Technical Report

National Drug Strategy Household Survey, 2004 - Codebook

External links, data quality statement (DQS) and information

2004 NDSHS first results

2004 NDSHS state and territory supplement

2004 NDSHS detailed findings


[email protected]